Career Advice

Employer Branding 101: Managing your Employee Value Proposition

min read
Wani Azahar

There are many layers to creating your employee brand, and at its core lies an employee value proposition, or EVP.

Your EVP should be something that answers the question: What can employees gain from working here? It’s the promise you make to future and current employees, taking into consideration all levels of the candidate experience: the job post, description, salary, other benefits.

There are three golden rules when it comes to defining your EVP. You should always:

Be credible.

Exaggerating or pushing false promises never works out in any situation, and this is definitely one of them. When employees figure out that they’ve been misled, the only thing that will happen is a damaged reputation and a dark spot on your employee branding.

Be relevant.

Understand what the current job market wants from you. This changes depending on the type of job you’re recruiting for or the generation you’re aiming at. You need to have a firm grasp on what your team needs and what you the market wants, and strike a balance between the two.

Be distinct.

Don’t just copy generic templates or other companies’ positions, that’s against everything employee branding is. Use what you’ve learnt from your current employees and data collection to amplify your strengths. At the end of the day, you’re convincing someone to work for you — make that relationship happen by being true to your company’s vision and motto.

The Strategy:

There are a myriad of ways to bring attention to your employee brand, but the best way to do so is through content marketing.

Use a variety of platforms on the Internet and in real life to get the word out there. What does a day in the job look like? What does this company do? These are all questions that can be answered through the creation of content.

The types of content you create are limitless. Several examples are:

  • Podcasts
  • Blog Article
  • Social Media Posts
  • Youtube Videos
  • Interviews
  • Infographics
  • Testimonials
  • Posters

When making the content, you don’t have to be only talking about your company. Inviting other leaders and professionals with views similar to your company to feature on some of your posts can switch things up and keep content fresh.

Use these three categories, set realistic KPIs and be patient:

Traffic to content/Number of applications/Ratings/feedback on content

Turnover Rates/Employee Satisfaction

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