Career Paths

Top 5 Business Analyst Job Interview Questions

min read
Vera Chan

Business analyst jobs differ between companies but all hold great importance. They have the ability to guide companies towards success, helping them thrive. Informed decisions based on solid data can help a company grow and improve on efficacy.

There is plenty of career potential but competition is intense. Prepare for business analyst questions with our below tips. These will help set yourself apart from other candidates. You will likely share the same technical skills required for the job. If you plan your answers in a strategic manner, you will have a higher chance of nailing the job interview.

What is a Business Analyst?

A business analyst is an individual that can bring great success to a company. A good understanding of management and business analysis is necessary. They can work independently or with others across functions. A background in economics or finance is favourable. Business analysts can work in a variety of industries including retail and insurance. Most commonly is financial services.

How to Answer Business Analyst Interview Questions?

As with any interview, take a deep look at the job description and tailor your answers. Pick out keywords that you can elaborate on and slot yourself into the picture. This will help the hiring manager envision you in the position and will help stay on track of their needs.

You may be given a scenario or asked about past experiences, where you will need to apply your knowledge. Whether theoretical or real, utilise the STAR method to answer in a strategic way. This will help the employer keep track of your thought process every step of the way.

  • Assess the situation with the five W's (who, what, when, where, and why.)
  • Explain your task in the situation. What was your role to play or assignment?
  • Talk about your actions. That is, what did you do?
  • End with the result. How did you accomplish the solution and what happened along the way to get there.

What Do You Think Are the Key Strengths of a Business Analyst?

Business analysis is constantly evolving and being re-shaped. As such, applying yourself to this type of role requires a good understanding of nuances. The basic strengths of a business analyst are:

  • Great communicator
  • Problem-Solving
  • Critical-Thinking
  • Analytical Skills
  • Persuading negotiator
  • Tech-savvy
  • Statistics-driven

What Business Intelligence Tools or Systems Do You Use?

Help the hiring manager understand how you work on a daily basis or how you tackle projects head-on. Show that you know how to facilitate a conversation and have the power to change minds if need be.  Help the employer put things into context and mention the names of systems and tools that you use. Flowcharts, for example, show the importance of explaining concepts and processes. They are clear and easy to follow while showing multiple options and outcomes. The hiring manager may mention a system or tool to you that you are not familiar with. Be prepared to talk about similar ones or your plan of action on how you will get up to speed fast.

Can You Describe How You Would Change a Decision-Maker's Mind?

As a business analyst, you may be put in a position to use your statistical knowledge to change minds. You may be presenting your findings to senior management and need to persuade them. Talk them through the scenario from start to finish, ensuring that you are backing up with data. Statistics are objective and speak for themselves, in comparison to subjective opinion.

How Are Your SQL Skills?

Otherwise also known as Structured Query Language, SQL is a programming language. It can be used to share, manage, and organise data that is popular with Big Data. This is a technical skill that will most likely be required by the employer. Why? Because it helps them understand that you have the capability to navigate databases. This can include writing queries and manipulating data to create actionable insights.

How Do You Stay On Top Of General Business Knowledge and Trends?

If you have a routine, explain the step-by-step to the hiring manager. Such as, you read so and so websites, newspapers, and magazines over your morning cup of coffee. If you use tools to help you stay up-to-date on important business knowledge, mention them. Such as, Google Alerts. You can explain why you use what tool you use. Other helpful tips are mentioning podcasts, industry publications, and networking events or conferences.


Bear in mind that you want to show you will make a great addition to the company. Use the strategies above to help you stay on track of your answers and thought processes. During the process delve into the keywords you spotted in the job description. Talk about how you will fit into the role and what skills you can bring to the table. Past experiences and details will help the hiring manager understand you better. You want to get to the point where the employer starts seeing you as an employee, rather than just as a candidate.

For other job interview tips to polish up on, read 7 Job Interview D'o's and Don'ts.

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