The team at Happyer has grown significantly with the addition of the 8 new interns who are adding unique skills and contributing to every aspect across the board. Our interns have excelled academically in their respective institutions and are looking to put their skills to the test in the real world. We owe our rapid growth in the last few months to the team of hardworking interns. Don’t just take it from us, hear it straight from the horse’ s mouth and learn about their experience at Happyer!
Q. What were your first impressions of the team and culture?
For a company that boasts of bringing about meaningful change to the workplace, you expect them to be a league above in terms of workplace “Happyness” — this was exactly what I got when I joined. — Azaan Maria
Happyer prides itself on its inclusive and welcoming atmosphere. In the startup scene, there is a high employee turnover rate, but what we do at Happyer is to have a great foundation from which our new recruits can holistically develop their skill sets and foster their ambitions.
“The team here seems to be very close-knit, which is a nice change from what I’ve experienced in previous internships. While there’s banter, people are on top of their work by staying very motivated and driven.” — Natalie Lee
Happyer’s motto is to build Happyer work, which leads to a Happyer life. We strive to maintain that through all aspects of our company. Essentially, we practice what we preach! We ensure that everyone enjoys what they do and is given the chance to explore their passions.
Q. What are your expectations for this internship?
“I expected to take on a substantial amount of responsibility as Happyer is a small team that achieves big things.” — Edison Tsang
We have experienced tremendous growth lately at Happyer, with a lot of it being attributed to our group of interns who have worked tirelessly, ensuring the maximisation of the Happyer’s potential. We foster an environment where everyone’s opinions and work is valued equally, no matter their position in the company.
“My expectations were that I would get the opportunity to learn new skills, expand my knowledge and explore career options. I want to be able to apply my knowledge to a work environment; Explore the field of computer science, specifically web development — Working in a small team in close proximity is allowing me to harness and sharpen these skills” — Alexandra Jaccard
We have opportunities all across the board, whether that be for people more tech-oriented or those that have sales skills and even creatively inclined people. We are a company that believes in people and acknowledges that those with the right motivation are always going to be successful no matter the field.
Q. How did you find the interview and onboarding process?
“Happyer strives to provide the best experience for job seekers whether it be via the application procedure, interview arrangements or onboarding. They truly aim at creating a Happyer job experience from scratch.” — Monisha Manglani
Happyer is long term oriented and understands that we are living in a very dynamic world, and aims to streamline the hiring process for not only companies but also individuals. We believe that it is absolutely essential that we maintain our core beliefs throughout every part of our organisation.
“The process was quick and convenient and I managed to complete my application within a few seconds. I was then contacted by the CTO after 2 days and passed my first interview phase. In the final phase, I had a friendly discussion with the CEO where we ran over what I should expect when working as an intern for Happyer.”— Gianna Burgos
Happyer understands that the most stressful part of any interview process is the wait after- where you are left wondering whether the interview went well or not. Happyer aims to streamline this process to ensure not only better planning for candidates but to also ease the mental strain.
Q. How do you think Happyer can help you grow professionally?
“In being able to freely dabble in various projects, I can not only gain a more holistic set of skills, but I can also explore my interests at a deeper level, which will help me in narrowing down the jobs I’d like to pursue.” — Isaac Lee
We believe that no one ever stops learning. To spread this message we like to promote collaboration, and provide incentives for our interns to stretch beyond their comfort zones. Happyer is diverse in the types of roles we offer, which promotes the company’s growth whilst encouraging the intern’s learning experience.
“I have been collaborating with multiple departments — learning about different opportunities, speaking to clients, working with different types of people (current count of nationalities is more than 8!) and through all that helping a company in the early stages reach its potential. Happyer has a very exciting future ahead and I am excited to see what we have in store.” — Pia Morey
Happyer is an organisation that emphasises diversity not only of thought but also of people. We have people from different walks of life that come together to create something special.
Happyer is constantly striving to maximize its growth and potential. We seek out driven, motivated and passionate people who will not only add value to Happyer, but also to themselves. Are you up for the challenge? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our door is always open!