Career Advice

4 Ways to Answer "What Are You Looking For In Your Next Position?"

min read
Vera Chan

You have landed a job interview and started your research. That is great! You can start practicing answers to a standard list of questions that a job interviewer may ask you. But sometimes, there are questions that also throw you off guard. When an employer asks "what are you looking for in your next interview" what do you say?

Why Employers Like to Ask "What Are You Looking For In Your Next Position?"

This is not the most popular question, but it helps the hiring manager understand more about you. How? Because your answer will tell them more specifics about how you perceive the role. There are other variations to this question, including the following:

  • In your next position, what kind of challenges are you looking forward to?

  • Is there anything you are looking forward to in your next job position?

  • Can you share a few aspects of your next job position that is important to you?

The interviewer wants to know that you know what you want out of your next job and role. They also want to see that you are motivated and ambitious. A candidate who is a go-getter is more likely to be happy in their position and stick around for the long-run. You will win points with the employer if you can show that you can bring value and loyalty to the organisation.

How to Answer "What Are You Looking For In Your Next Position?"

There are some things you should not do, but let us not get bogged down by those. If you stick to the below pointers, you will be right on track.

1. Be Specific

Talk about what you would like to do more of and see if there is an opportunity for this. By mentioning this and finding out more about the role, you will also know if it is the right fit for you.

2. Share Details

Explain why you want to do more or learn more of something. This will show your internal motivation. Genuineness also comes across which will work in your favour.

3. Be Clear

And excited. Show that you care. Comb through the job description and point out a few things. Mentioning keywords will help you remember what you will say. It will also help you structure your answer. The interviewer will have a clear direction on which topic you are about to touch upon.

4. Be Concise

Keep your sentences brief but do not be abrupt. The latter can come across as rude. You want to maintain your professionalism while being polite. Remember to breathe and take a pause between sentences. Try not to ramble on. Conclude one point before you move on to the next one.

If you have had several interviews, you can tie in previous conversations you have had. You can bring up details that the human resources manager or recruiter mentioned. Or you can talk about what a hiring manager said if you are having your next interview with the direct report.

The Takeaway

Do not forget to mention why you applied for the position. On a basic level, you want to tell the employer about what caught your eye and lead you to consider the role. This can exude a certain level of certainty that can ease any worries they may have. You want to be memorable and make sure that what you say does not just go in one ear and out the other. By practicing the above tips, you will be in good company if this question comes up at your next interview.

There are other interesting job interview questions an employer could ask. Curious to know more? Read "What Is Your Work Style?"

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